Get in touch

Thomas Prokosch
Teaching and research unit Programming and Modelling Languages (PMS)
Institute of Informatics
Ludwig Maximilian University
Oettingenstraße 67, Munich,
phone | +49 89 2180 9318 |
first-name AT nadev DOT net | |
GPG key ID | 0xE872FC21 |
messenger | Jabber/XMPP, Signal, Skype |
social networks | Xing, ResearchGATE |
personality | INTJ (test yourself) |
About this website
"The Blue and Green Bit"
This personal website runs on Debian, an operating system I am fond of (and using exclusively on my machines without regret) since May-1997.
The name of this site has been chosen controversially by intent: A "bit" is something abstract and therefore has no color — so, to understand how bits can be colored you need to think out of the box. This is what I do regularly, this is what you need to do if you are a scientist.
Choosing two colors for a single bit indicates that there are always two sides of technology — the very same technology can be used both for good and for evil. So, this hint should serve as a reminder for technically oriented people like me. Additionally, the colors symbolize the sky (blue) and the nature (green), two things I try to immerse in as much as possible.
Looking at the logo, one can not only see two distinct colors but also a white pixel. This pixel not only symbolizes the bit but can also be seen as a hole, something that is missing, something that has yet to be discovered. In this way, you can also comprehend my motto as a scientist: Discovery bit by bit.